Last Updated on September 1, 2018 by admin
Are you familiar with driving in Canada? You will need to be if you intend to take a vacation there. Listed below are some important facts about Canadian driving that will prove to be helpful to you.
1. Never speed
When driving, you should never speed regardless of where you happen to be, but this is especially true in Canada. Since there are many open roads, drivers tend to be impatient to get where they are going and will speed, causing a number of accidents. You will have to pay a stiff fine if you are caught speeding. Remember that the metric system is used in Canada when posting speed limits. City driving is usually around 30 mph and highway driving around 60.
2. Pedestrians have right of way
If a pedestrian is crossing the road, he or she has the right of way, even if crossing where the road is unmarked. You will need to remember this when traveling and always be patient for the pedestrian to make it from one side of the road to the other.
3. Hook up seat belts
It is mandatory for you and all of your passengers to wear seat belts when traveling in every part of Canada. Young children under 40 pounds will need to be in a car seat that meets Canadian requirements.
4. Frequent roadwork
You may encounter roadwork when you travel through Canada. Even though the roads are usually in good condition, hot summers and frigid winters can do damage to road surfaces, necessitating the need for constant repairs. Keep this in mind when you are driving.
5. French in Quebec
Driving through Quebec may be a challenge for you if you do not know French, as the road signs will be in this language. If you intend to include Quebec in your travels, you may want to brush up on the French language first.
6. Downtown driving
Many downtown locations in Canada have a number of one-way streets. The reason for this is to help with the flow of traffic, but it can be confusing to a visitor to the area who may have trouble navigating. If you intend to drive through downtown areas, you may want to acquaint yourself with the route before you actually enter that section of town.
7. Driving in the country
Many country roads in Canada, especially in the Prairies, will be straight and flat, creating boredom while driving. You will want to stay alert at all times, and this may mean making frequent rest stops or alternating your driving duties with a companion traveler who also drives. You will also need to be on the alert for wildlife, which is abundant in Canada.
Driving in Canada can be a pleasure if you are cautious and follow the rules of the road. There is much beauty and splendor that you can experience, and taking to the roads on your vacation will be one of the best ways to see all that the country has to offer.