Australia Day
(photo source: families magazine)

It’s a whole brand new year again and Australia day is just a few sleeps away. As per Wikipedia, Australia Day is considered as the official National Day of Australia and is celebrated annually every 26th of January. It also marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British Ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales, and also the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip.

If you are coming to Australia Day on January 26, 2018, here are the top five things you can enjoy:


    (photo source: TNT magazine)

They say some of the most looked forward to parties are happening in cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Darwin, Gold Coast, and many more. Prepare your party dresses and clothes as you will surely find yourself bar hopping from one place to another. Have a good time and enjoy with your family and friends. Note: Don’t get too drunk!


    (photo source: Youtube)

Australia is known to have wonderful and inspiring fireworks displays and the best fireworks display can be seen at the bridge near the Opera House in Sydney, Australia. Prepare your cameras and take photos of videos of the grand fireworks that they are going to show for the Australia Day!


    (photo source: Vkool)

This needs no explanation. We all know that food is life and the food in Australia is probably one of the best things you could ever taste in the world. If you are just staying at home, you can just go and cook BBQ in your backyard and have a feast with your relatives and friends.


    (photo source: Australia Day)

One of the great things about visiting any country is meeting new people. What better way to meet people than going to Australia Day to potentially find your long-time friends? Be courageous enough to be friendly and don’t be suspicious. Allow yourself to meet people! And just be yourself!


    (photo source: Black Tomato)

There will be a lot of music festivals especially in the major key cities of Australia that is why you need to sleep a little bit longer so that you will be able to stay awake to enjoy the whole duration of the festival you are attending.

Australia Day is not just a celebration but it is also a tradition that everyone should love and respect.

Author Bio:
Mark Aldrin Hipolito is a daytime writer for Holiday Inn Parramatta Accommodation, a modern hotel in Parramatta Australia that provides exceptional service and care to their customers from all over the world. Mark also enjoys travelling to different places and he uses his experiences as inspiration for writing.

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