Last Updated on April 25, 2014 by admin
Where you write affects how great your essays, novels or articles will be. That is why many writers prefer writing in places where they are comfortable at. Virginia Woolf insisted that every write should have a room of their own, while Stephen King suggests writers to write in a room with no telephone, television and other distractions.
While it is intuitive to write your masterpiece in a place where you don’t have anyone or anything to distract you, it can be confining and boring. Many writers like J.K. Rowling, believes that writing in places like cafe gives you time to be inspired and comfortable to write. You can take a break if you want and return to writing afterwards.
Of course, you do not have to limit yourself to cafe’s. There are so many travel destinations, helpful for writing your novel and making you inspired, that you can explore. Here are the perfect places, every writer should visit.
Rome, Italy
They say, “when in Rome, do as the Romans do.” If by “do” they mean visiting cafes, drinking coffees and eating lots of Italian food, then surely, every writer will enjoy a trip to Rome. From history, culture and literature, everything in Rome, seems to be helpful to writers. If the picturesque cityscape is not enough for you, roam around the best cafes in the metro to get a hit of every writer’s favorite drink- coffee. Check out Rosati in Piazza del Popolo and Domiziano in Piazza Navona.
Yellowstone National Park, United States
If the busy streets and noisy vehicles, lead your writing projects to a dead end, head to Yellowstone National Park to reboot your system. The Grand Canyon and the Yellowstone lake can help you get back on your foot, and start writing. The place is so serene you do not want to leave the place. Try a hiking adventure in the park. According to experts, exercises such as hiking and running, help your circulatory system to work properly, hence, you write and think better.
Cape Town, South Africa
Go ala Rudyard Kipling and write the next Jungle Book for the world to read. Cape Town offers a fusion of cultures in Africa. Here you get the best of both worlds, the safari and the city life. Every writer should embark on an adventure in the 19,333 square kilometer Kruger National Park. See lions, elephants, zebras and other wild animals up close, and learn more about their natural habitat. For a historical adventure, head in to Robben Island, where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned.
Santorini, Greece
The sea is the most tranquil place to relax and write. You can easily find the serenity you need by visiting the lovely islands of Santorini in Greece. The culture of Greece is much reflected in the daily lives of its people. The architecture, the food, the people, everything makes writers closer to Greek muses that inspire them to be creative. The history of Santorini is inspirational since it is dated back in Greek and Minoan culture, along with gods and goddesses of early civilization. Take a cruise and feel the refreshing sea breeze coming from the volcanic beaches, a true seaside treasure.
Bangkok, Thailand
Asia should never be left out on destinations that writers must visit. If they plan to go to Asia, Thailand, is the first country that they should visit. Thailand is a melting pot of culture. It is where traditional meets modern living, the result is a unique, diverse culture that will truly inspire any writer. Bangkok has a lot to offer, from religious temples, colorful city life, mouth-watering food and more. Outside the capital you can also go to the best beaches in the world, where the sand is a white as the sky, you’ll feel like it is the best setting for your next fiction.
New York, United States
If writers in the USA, can go to a place, where they can use their talent well, they’d probably choose the city of dreams, New York. The city provides creative inspiration to writers. They can head to Central Park to keep their minds clear from all mental blocks. Here they find their sanity back from all the noisy and crowded streets of the city. You can also bike, run, or stroll around the city to clear your mental block.
Some writers prefer writing in secluded places, but going on a travel is better. It opens you to new adventures. You understand cultural differences, and learn stories that can help you write your stories. As Jack Kerouac, author of On The Road, says, “all the golden land’s ahead of you and all kinds of unforeseen events wait lurking to surprise you.” Maybe, your muse is waiting for you somewhere in these destinations.